Email functions
under review
Imperial red Koala
Is there a way to allow our gmail to also reflect the emails we send in Tern? In working with several clients/groups, I find it useful and more efficient to view all sent email at a glance. Instead of opening each trip's email to search for one, it would be nice to just go to sent emails and look for what I need.
Glorious Flamingo
Please also add BCC I need to BCC hubspot so that all of my correspondence is recorded on a contact.
Maroon Lobster
Please show the CC on the emails. My clients keep thinking that i only emailed one person and forwarding each other every email, when in reality i sent to all but it just doesn't show the client that. Makes me look bad and just unnecessary as well
Vervain Lungfish
We need to add CC, Also if a client leaves a comment in the itianery can the message ith the activity log say look at the email list to fine the comment.
Implicit Antlion
Need also a search function not just the subject line but names as well.
Implicit Antlion
Need a draft function. And we need a way to update the template or create a new template when I am in a email.
Middle Stingray
I would love to get rid of the reply window as a default. Most of the time I'm there to connect confirmation emails to their counterparts
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under review